32 Nature Photos that are Hard to believe but are indeed Real

This photo collection features some of the most incredible scientific real-life images we could discover. That some are strange, some are frightening, and some will completely blow your mind, but all of these amazing nature photos are real.

IMAGE: Quora/Artemis Raze
Because of a recent flood, there are sheets of ice and snow that appear to be clouds.

The “Firefall” in Yosemite generally happens in February, when the setting sun reflects beautiful hues like red and orange over the waters of Horsetail Fall. The waterfall appears to be overflowing with lava due to the vivid red and orange colors.

The glowing effect around the tree was obtained by arranging different colored leaves in a circular pattern by talented British Artist; Andy Goldsworthy. Yes, it is hard to believe.

A real chile pepper with a rainbow of colors

IMAGE: Quora/Artemis Raze
Waves on the coast that have patterns that resemble teeth

The reflected picture of the sea from a piece of shattered glass against greenery gives the sense of a photo that has been manipulated or that is a doorway to another world.

A massive wave occurred in the ocean. Consider what it might be like to see this while sailing on a boat. That’s a terrible experiance.

Asperatus clouds are hovering above the island of New Zealand. This is a really cool one.

Wisconsin residents are experiencing bizarre weather conditions. At the same time, it’s cold and hot.

IMAGE: Quora/Artemis Raze
In the occasion of an Aluminum Sludge leak, the bottom half of tree trunks have developed a red accent.

The block corners were surrounded by roots that had adapted and grown around them.

A church in Georgia with a mountain in the background At first look, they appeared to be like ocean waves.

Phi, a flower native to Japan.

The leaves on the trees surrounding it have already fallen, yet this tree has retained its leaves because the light is beaming on it.

IMAGE: Quora/Artemis Raze
In Switzerland, there is a frozen pond. It’s remarkable how it froze over.

When the moon comes face to face with a strange, mustache-looking cloud.

For your eyes, the sunset under clouds appears to be a lava-like scene.

A square-shaped cloud as seen from an airplane.

A lovely scene with lenticular clouds in the background.

IMAGE: Quora/Artemis Raze
A solar eclipse as it passes through a canyon

The lava appears to be in the shape of a skull.

A scary sky that resembles a raging storm at sea.

Mesmerizing sunset under the clouds in Hawaii.

Most people would flee to the basement at the sight of this, but this girl was courageous enough to pose for a photo with the tornado behind her.

It is extremely dangerous to swim in bodies of water while lightning is present.

Spiderweb Snowfall – This shot from Australia appears to have been taken after a snowfall in the midst of winter, yet all that white is actually spider webs.

This worker has climbed a mobile phone tower to do maintenance after a storm caused the spiky ice formation.

This incredible photograph was shot of saltwater in the Gulf of Alaska colliding with freshwater from glacial melt. Because of variances in density and salinity, different bodies of water do not combine.

Marshmallow Clouds – Because they resemble udders, these clouds are known as mammatus clouds or mammary clouds. These clouds frequently arise in conjunction with strong stormy weather or tornadoes, and pilots tend to avoid them due to turbulence.

Imperial Snowflake – In fact, this six-pronged pattern was generated by the molecular shape of water, which creates fractals and repeats a six-pronged configuration when water freezes. A water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, which form a solid, crystal lattice structure when frozen. However, just looking at this reminds me of the Imperial March.

Spotted Lake – This is a salty endorheic alkali lake northwest of Osoyoos, a town in Canada’s British Columbia’s eastern Similkameen Valley. The lake appears normal in the winter and spring, but as summer approaches, the water evaporates, creating brine spots.

Lake Natron – The cause for this distinct hue is water evaporation: when water evaporates, the concentration of salts and other minerals in the water increases, attracting microorganisms that thrive in these circumstances. These organisms cause the water to become crimson.