9 Real Cases of Babies Born with Tails – Detailed Reports
A human tail, sometimes known as a vestigial tail, is the name given to the tail that develops on some humans. Many people are under the impression that our prehistoric ancestors had some kind of a tail.
However, as a species, we have progressed beyond the point where we require such an organ. This is the primary reason why the majority of humans no longer have tails.
The human embryo develops a tail in the sixth week of gestation, complete with numerous vertebrae. The tail, however, disappears within the next several weeks of growth, and the vertebrae unite to create the coccyx, or tailbone, in adulthood.

On rare occasions, a human child is born with a vestigial tail, resulting from the activation of dormant but still present DNA coding for faulty characteristics.
The most famous example is snakes that have developed one or more legs, so people can also develop a short, fleshy tail.

Not all protrusions from the tailbone that seem to be tails are considered “real” tails by doctors. Numerous growths or cysts can occur directly on the tip of the tailbone.
Although there are no bones in the vestigial tail, it does have nerves, blood, tissues and muscles. Surprisingly, in some people, the vestigial tail is moveable like other parts of the body.

A pseudotail, which is not the same as a “real” vestigial tail, is also present in certain individuals. Although a pseudotail resembles a vestigial tail, it is produced by an extended coccyx.

According to a study, the most common reason for a pseudotail in 10 examples gathered from the literature was an abnormal extension of the coccygeal vertebrae.
A guy in India has the longest known tail, which is 13 inches long. However, the tails can be generally removed without complications from human newborns after surgery.

Here are some reported pictures of babies with real tails that have been posted on social media.

Some people who are born with tails choose to maintain their tails for a significant portion of their lives, while other families make the decision to have their newborn child’s tail removed at birth.
There are rare instances in which it is not absolutely clear that the tail is a real tail until many years have passed.

It is not necessary to remove human tails for any particular health-related cause; nonetheless, having them can be unpleasant, painful, or inconvenient in other ways.
There have been examples of patients as old as 17 years of age displaying their human tails to doctors for the first time. This is due to the fact that the tails have finally began to cause the patients pain.

In certain regions of the world, human tails are regarded with widespread horror and criticism, and infants who are born with human tails are often shunned by society.
One of the primary reasons someone would put off going to the doctor regarding their tail is because of this thought.

In certain other cultures, such as those found in certain regions of India, tails are seen as divine gifts or blessings and therefore they are given a high level of respect.