Biohacker couple shares daily routine they claim will allow them live to 150 years

Biohacker couple shares daily routine they claim will allow them live to 150 years

In an age where wellness fads come and go like last season’s trends, one couple is setting a new bar for healthy living — and they’re not just aiming for a few extra years.

Meet Kayla Barnes-Lentz, 33, and her husband Warren Lentz, 36, a biohacking duo who are investing six figures a year into their quest for longevity. Their mission? To live healthily until the ripe age of 150. Yes, you read that right — 150!

Biohacker couple shares daily routine they claim will allow them live to 150 years
IMAGE: YouTube/Kayla Barnes-Lentz

In an exclusive interview with The Independent, Kayla revealed that her commitment to wellness predates her romance with Warren.

Before they even met in person, she was already digging into his health background, making sure he was a suitable partner for a potentially century-long journey. Talk about doing your homework!

While some biohackers, like the infamous Bryan Johnson, have their sights set on immortality, Kayla is more grounded. “I want to live as long as my husband does, not forever,” she says, emphasizing the importance of shared goals in their relationship.

It’s a refreshing take in a world obsessed with eternal youth. She admits she’d be thrilled to live past 120 — the record for the longest verified human lifespan is held by Jeanne Calment, who passed away in 1997 at the age of 122. “Healthy years are what it’s all about,” Kayla adds with a grin.

Biohacker couple shares daily routine they claim will allow them live to 150 years
IMAGE: YouTube/Kayla Barnes-Lentz

A Rigorous Routine

So, what does a day in the life of this biohacker couple look like? Buckle up, because it’s a ride packed with some serious health hacks! The couple’s day starts bright and early, with Kayla saying, “We love to set the tone for our day by optimizing our mind and body.”

Here’s a peek at their meticulously planned daily routine:

Morning Rituals:

  • They wake up naturally — no blaring alarm clocks here!
  • The day kicks off with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, which they use together. This high-tech treatment claims to help with everything from depression to inflammation.
  • Workouts are a must. Who needs coffee when you have a morning workout to wake you up?
  • They soak up the sun during a morning walk, getting their daily dose of Vitamin D as soon as the sun peeks over the horizon.
  • Breakfast? Organic and homemade, of course.

Midday Activities:

  • They engage in some serious nature bathing — think of it as their version of a spa day, but without the fancy robes.
  • Cold plunges make a splash (literally), followed by alternating sessions in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. “It only fits one person at a time, so we alternate it,” Kayla explains. Talk about sharing the love!
  • Throughout the day, they use a NanoVi device to repair everyday cell damage. Because, why not?

Evening Wind-Down:

  • Dinner is served early — around 5:30 PM — and it’s another round of organic goodness.
  • After dinner, they take a leisurely 50-minute walk on the hills. Who needs a treadmill when you have scenic views?
  • Their evening wraps up with sauna sessions and red lights illuminating their home as the sun sets. Talk about ambiance!

Finally, they hit the hay by 9 PM, ensuring they get plenty of restorative sleep. “We’ve got our eyes on the prize — a long and healthy life,” Kayla quips.

Biohacker couple shares daily routine they claim will allow them live to 150 years
IMAGE: YouTube/Kayla Barnes-Lentz

A Baby on the Horizon

With such a strong focus on their future, the couple is also looking to start a family. Kayla is optimistic, having been “optimizing my own body in preparation for motherhood for years.”

But she’s quick to note that it’s not just about her — Warren has been on this health journey with her. “We know that the mother and father’s health impacts the health of the children,” she emphasizes.

She plans to document her pregnancy journey with in-depth labs, gathering data on women during this crucial time.

And while she intends to instill healthy habits in her future children, she doesn’t plan to overload them with all the tech they use. “We want to simplify their lives, focus on no screen time, and encourage outdoor play,” she shares, clearly excited about the prospect of parenting.

Biohacker couple shares daily routine they claim will allow them live to 150 years
IMAGE: YouTube/Kayla Barnes-Lentz

Finding Your Biohacker Match

When asked what advice she’d give to anyone seeking a partner who shares a similar lifestyle, Kayla offers a nugget of wisdom: “Bring it up immediately.”

She recalls how, during their first FaceTime call, she showcased all their biohacking tech — from a multi-person hyperbaric chamber to an ozone sauna. Talk about a first date with a twist!

“I knew it would take a unique man to be excited about what I do, and Warren was not only excited but wanted to push the limits of human potential and longevity with me,” she recalls, a twinkle in her eye.

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The Takeaway

While some may roll their eyes at the extremes of biohacking, the Lentz couple’s approach is both intriguing and relatable. Their commitment to living healthily, coupled with their shared goals and sense of humor, offers a refreshing perspective on what it means to live well.

So, whether you’re into tech-heavy wellness routines or simply trying to eat more greens, there’s something to be learned from their journey.

As they continue their quest for longevity, one thing is clear: the Lentzs are determined to savor every moment — ideally, for the next century and beyond. Here’s to living well and thriving, one PEMF session at a time!