The 4,000-year-old Al Naslaa Rock Formation has a Mystery Laser-like Cut through its Center

A traveler may be frightened by a variety of natural sights around the world. Al Naslaa Rock Formation, in Saudi Arabia’s Tayma oasis, is one of them.
The rock is 30 feet tall and 25 feet broad. Discovery of this massive rock with a perfectly straight crack down the center has caught the interest of conspiracy theorists and they are attempting to figure out how it happened.
“Given that past civilizations created Stone Henge and the sculptures on Easter Island with the most basic of tools, it doesn’t seem out of the question that it could be man-made”
Geologist Cherry Lewis

IMAGE: Ancient-code
Professor Tim Reston of the University of Birmingham, a geologist and geophysicist, also expressed his views on the unusual creation. He believes the split is most likely a joint, which is a natural crack in the rock produced by pressure release and expansion, created when the rock surface was more continuous.
Al Naslaa is remarkable not only for its shape, position, and age but also for the exact split that divides one side of the formation from the other.
While it appears to be a normal fracture in the sandstone’s foundation, the break is so precise and straight that it appears as if the rock was split apart with a laser.
Furthermore, the two incredibly hefty sides of the structure appear to balance on little more than thin bits of rock, almost as if they are floating in mid-air.

IMAGE: Pinterest
The boulder split most likely because the earth beneath one of the two supports moved slightly. It’s possible that it was formed by a volcanic dike of a weaker material that crystallized before everything was unearthed.
It might also be a pressure crack from the past. It dates back over 4,000 years, and no one truly knows how it came to be.
There are many mysterious locations on Earth. If you’re still curious, here are 10 places on Earth that appear to be like portals to the Earth’s core.