Three Reasons Why Sleep is Important to Protect Your Health

As much as many people might love sleep, it is common for individuals to go through phases of sleep deprivation. This might mean they aren’t sleeping as much as they need to or the quality of sleep they do get is poor. Not only can these problems begin to affect someone’s mood, they can also begin to impact their health.

As much as many people might love sleep, it is common for individuals to go through phases of sleep deprivation. This might mean they aren’t sleeping as much as they need to or the quality of sleep they do get is poor. Not only can these problems begin to affect someone’s mood, they can also begin to impact their health.

There are number issues that can arise due to lack of sleep, such as those affecting cognitive function, memory, mental health, and so on. This can take its toll on your quality of life, so it is wise to know why sleep is important to protect your health. In this post, you will learn of three such reasons.

Improves Heart Health

While sleep disorders can worsen cardiovascular issues, a restful sleep can help your heart health in various ways. In fact, a recent study found that two naps a week reduced the risk of a heart attack or stroke by almost 50%. Sleeping well can allow your heart rate and blood pressure to decrease naturally as sleep will often provide a stress-free experience. 

It is said that getting six to eight hours of sleep per night is the optimal amount to ensure your heart remains healthy, although there are other factors that can impact heart health. However, the sleep must be restful. Disrupted sleep is linked to higher levels of a protein known as CRP, or C-reactive protein, which is a sign of inflammation. This inflammation is associated with circulatory and heart disease.

Understanding the impact of disrupted sleep cycles is essential if you believe that your fragmented sleep is affecting other aspects of your health. Thankfully, there are ways to remedy sleep fragmentation, such as avoiding caffeine after lunchtime and switching off bright screens before bedtime. 

Reduces Risk of Injury

Decreased sleep plus exercise is a recipe for trouble, especially if you regularly partake in activities that can strain the body. For some, the lack of sleep might display itself as a side effect to increased physical activity or overtraining, and this can increase the likelihood of injury. It is more common for those who sleep less than six hours each night to become injured. 

Sleep gives the body the perfect opportunity to repair and regenerate from your day’s exercise. There is a release of growth hormones that will help to repair muscles and enable their growth, as well as affecting the recovery of the body’s ligaments and tendons. Any microtears caused by repetitive stress through exercise will be more difficult to heal if you are suffering from sleep deprivation. 

Strengthens Immune System

Your immune system is made up of various components, with white blood cells being one of the most important. These cells identify, attack, and eliminate strange pathogens from your body, and your immune system will react to these pathogens immediately to ensure you are safe. A strong immune system will find and attack threats as they present themselves within your body.

However, it is sleep that supports the immune system; high-quality sleep builds a strong and well-balanced defense. Again, sleeping issues can interfere with how your immune system functions. An inflammatory response, which is linked to a revved up immune system, can help the body recover from illness or injury. Yet, it is unclear why this process happens during sleep.

Through this post, it should be obvious that sleep plays a vital role in supporting an individual’s health. With a good amount of sleep, you are more likely to have a healthier heart, lessened risk of injury, and a stronger immune system.