Sprucing Up the Outside of Your Store: A Guide

Now that the majority of businesses have headed online, and some are online-only, you might feel stumped as to how to make the outside of your store shine. However, there is still a lot of competition between brick-and-mortar stores and this means that you cannot slack when it comes to making your store’s exterior look the best it can be. As such, here is a quick guide to sprucing up your store and enticing customers when times get tough.
- Renew Your Store Sign
Your store sign is likely to be one of the first purchases that you ever made for your business and sits pride of place over your storefront. However, where once it looked shiny and new, it might now be shabby and long past its best. If that is the case, you should consider ridding yourself of your old sign entirely and producing a new one that can better reflect your modern business. This is also your opportunity to redo your logo and ensure that it is contemporary and fits in with the modern business landscape. This can prevent your company from looking old-fashioned and outdated. However, if you do change your font and logo, you should make sure that you update this on all your platforms and that you inform your customers of this. This will prevent them from thinking that you have changed hands or gone out of business. If you are looking for a vibrant and exciting store sign, you you should consider looking online for the range of business signs on offer.
- Create a Dazzling Window Display
There is no more exciting job within your business than creating the window display, though, as this is your chance to allow your imagination to run wild. This is the perfect chance to showcase the very cream of your crop and highlight to customers what they are missing out on by not entering your store. This window display should change regularly and reflect the season that you are in. Not only should you display your favorite products, but you should also consider purchasing decorations and making paper and knit crafts that can attract attention and add color to your window. However, whatever you do, this window display should appeal to your target audience and reflect the attitude of your company. If you are struggling to do this, you might consider employing a member of staff, such as someone who is experienced in merchandising, to do this for you. You might even enter your display into local business competitions, especially during the holidays.
- Repaint It
Your customers can be put off your business before they even have the chance to step inside it, and this is especially the case if your paintwork is completely chipped and falling apart. This can make it look as if you do not put enough effort into your company or that you offer low-quality products. It might also demean the legitimacy of your business. This means it is important to repaint the exterior of your store often in an outdoor paint that can withstand exterior weather conditions. This paint might be an unusual color that matches your logo, or it might simply be a fresh, neutral color that matches the street that you are based on. You should make sure that you have painted all of your windowsills as well as your door.
- Plant Flowers
If you have the room for it, you should also consider adding window boxes and planting flowers outside your store. This can increase the curb appeal of your store and make it pleasing to the eye. This can also put your customers in a better mood and you might even be able to swap these flowers round to match the season- or decorate them for the festive period. However, if you are going to plant flowers, you need to make sure that you look after and groom them, or else you might find that they make your store’s exterior look even worse.
- Clean Your Exterior
Although you might not think that you have time in the day to do this and that it is not your responsibility, it is paramount that you clean the outside of your store. You should employ someone to pressure wash your windows and sills, and you should regularly dust your displays. Not only this, but you should also sweep your doorstep, entrance, and the area outside of your store, removing debris like leaves and even chewing gum. This will allow your store to sparkle as much as the day you opened.