Most Marketable Programming Languages & the Best Programming Language to Learn to Get a Job

How it will change your life by learning the most marketable programming languages
- Programming language uses in improving your technical skill level to a maximum amount with a lot of thinking ability.
- computer programming is a well-recognized field in the industry which mainly contribute you with lots of opportunities.
- the financial state of a programmer is higher and you will get paid more for ur skills
- self-satisfaction and self-motivation when you are getting higher with your programming abilities.
We can’t imagine the technology happening in the present world without Computer Programming Languages. Most of the new inventions based on computer programming and its concepts. basically, if you are a programmer and if you know the most marketable programming languages, you are way in front when compare to a normal ordinary person.
How much do computer programmers make?
Computer programmer salary can vary from 50,000 $ to 100,000 $ from beginner to an experienced expert of the programming field. An estimated amount of 75,000 $ annual salary can be taken as the average amount.
What’s computer programming?
computer programming definition: Simply computer programming languages give computers instructions to perform a specific task. A computer can only understand “binary language” and in order to give instructions to the computer, computer programming languages are using. Then the code we write on a specific programme compiles into the binary language. After that only computer can understand the instructions we gave to it.
Introduction to programming

How programming languages give computers instructions according to computer language hierarchy
- Identification of the matter or the problem by the user and implementing the code by a high-level programming language.
- Then the code written by the user is converted into Assembly or machine language.
- then after converting it the machine language, the computer can identify the instructions given by the user.
- Then the implementation of the code instructions happen through hardware.
What are the 4 types of programming language?
- Procedural & Functional Programming Languages
- Object-oriented Programming Languages
- Scripting Programming Languages
- Logic Programming Language
There are not only 4 types of programming languages. There are many types of computer coding that can be categorized according to their functions and characteristics.
What is a high level programming language
High level programming languages are designed to simplify the computer programming code. Easy to read syntax terms are used here and then they are converted to low-level language which can be identified by a computer.
Few examples of high-level languages
- Python
- Java
- Java script
- C++
- C#
- Pascal
- Fortran
the codes that are implemented by high-level computer programming languages must be processed by a compiler or an interpreter.
The compiler converts the high-level code into machine code or assembly code which are in the low-level computer programming languages category. Then the programme can be identified by the operating system.
Similar as the compiler. Interpreters commonly used in Python, Ruby and Perl languages. Interpreter skips the process of converting the high-level code into machine code, instead, it directly converts it to the code that the computer can read.
What is a Low level programming language
Assembler is the main processor that implements the Assembly code and machine code that is mainly known as Low level programming language and they can directly pass into the process and can be identified by the system.
High memory capacity should be needed for a user to implement assembly codes and should care about numeral codes for every instruction, while a high level programming language handles these automatically.
Finally, according to the process of the programming hierarchy, the output is implemented by the hardware.
History of computer programming languages & moderation of early programming languages
Analytical engine and Difference engine implemented during 1842 – 1849 considered as the early programming languages era and the foundation for programming.
In 1940 s, recognizable electrically powered computers were made hand-tuned assembly language programs were practised.
In the 1950s, John Mauchly’s Shortcode considers as the first high-level language in the history of programming.
And also in the same era, Alick Glennie developed Autocode which considers as the first compiled programming language.
In 1954, Fortran was introduced by IBM which is the first general-purpose programming language to implement a certain function.
IPL, FLOW MATIC, FORTRAN, COMTRAN, CPL, BCPL are some notable languages in this era.
From 1960 – 1980 era, Speakeasy, Simula, C, Smalltalk, Prolog, ML, BCPL, B, SQL are some popular computer programming languages.
In the 1980’s C++, Common Lisp, MATLAB, LabView, FL invented pointing towards the modules and performance.
In the 1990s with the invention of the internet, programming languages turned to a new page. Haskell, Python, Visual Basic, Ruby, Java, Javascript came to the programming field.
Most Marketable Programming Languages & Most Employable programming languages in 2021
- Python
- Javascript
- Java
- C/C++
- Ruby
- Swift
- Go
- kotlin
The software developing industry is changing rapidly with the inventions of new programming languages and the competition between the companies becomes higher.
So the companies are seeking the best software developers in the industry. and that’s where you can market yourself. There’s no doubt if you are an expert in python, java and javascript, then you are leading compared to other competitors. python, java and javascript are the most Most Marketable Programming Languages in 2021
Apart from that the high level programming languages like Ruby, Go, Scala, TypeScript & Kotlin are used by industry professionals in order to perform that tasks more efficiently.
Best programming language to learn to get a job & Most wanted programming language in 2021
What is the best programming language to learn to get a job? There’s no doubt, it’s Python. Python considers as the programming language of the 21st century as the software industry, almost every company using Python as its primary and the most used programming language. So you must learn Python in order to market yourself for a top class job in the software engineering field.
Why Python is the best programming language to learn to get a job
The speed in implementing the programmes in python is high & it mainly affects for executing tasks more efficiently, the library support for all most all types of integrations and Python considers as one of the easiest programming language to learn as well. They are the leading points of Python when compared with other high level programming languages.

What is the highest paid programming language 2021
Scala is an object-oriented based functional programming language that is at the top among the Highest paid programming languages of 2021. Scala is efficient in avoiding bugs in complex applications, and huge access to library integrations helps in making high-performance systems. The average salary of a Scala programmer in the USA is around $150,000.
App making programming language 2021
Objective-C & Swift programming languages are best for developing apps on the iOS platform. Java & Kotlin programming languages are best for developing apps on the Android platform.
However, The programming language for making the app may vary according to the type of app you are planning to build. Mainly there can be three types of apps categories according to the types of computer coding.
- Native mobile apps – Apps designed by Programming languages that are only native to the operating system of the mobile phone.
- Cross-platform mobile apps – Apps designed by Programming languages that can operate in any platform of the OS of the device.
- Mobile web apps – Apps designed to opens through a URL in the browser giving a mobile app feeling interface.
Best Graphics programming languages 2021 and C# GUI with Visual Studio are the easiest languages to use with graphical routines. Visual Studio became more popular among the developers as it provides a drag and drops option for the user-friendliness of the editor.
Java is also famous for having libraries for graphic routines but the major issue that prevails in java is that its speed when running high-quality graphic routines. When it comes to C/C++, Graphics rendering GUI libraries available for C/C++ as well, but the complexity is high and not much user-friendly compared with other graphics programming languages.
What programming language is Arduino?
Arduino language is C++ with specials functions and varieties and having many abstractions built in to make it easier and simple to use. Arduino is a common programming language widely using for robotic applications.
What programming language do computers use?
Computers using binary language to identify the instructions given by the user which is basically a signal of 1 or 0. Programmers mainly using C++ language to create computer programmes, operating systems and other applications on a computer.
What is windows programming language?
Microsoft’s Windows is the worlds most used operating system and C is the main language used to develop Microsoft’s Windows kernel and some parts are developed using Assembly language too.
What is the best programming language for database?
SQL which is known as Structured Query Language is one of the most popular domain-specific languages for database management. SQL statements can be used to perform tasks in SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Access as well as other popular databases like Access, MariaDB.
What is Google cloud programming language?
Google cloud platform launched on April 7, 2008, by Google, is a suite that offers cloud computing services. Google cloud platform is written using Java, C++, Python, Go, and Ruby programming languages.
Best coding languages for kids in 2021
- Scratch 3.0
- Blockly
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Lua (Roblox)
- Alice
- C# (Unity)
- Swift
The modern age of computer programming languages
Compared to the early programming languages, new trends appeared in the modern age of computer programming. Action Script, C#, D, F#, Go, Rust, Kotlin, Elixir, Julia, Typescript, Swift are the latest trending & fastest growing programming languages.
Latest Trends are mainly pointed towards the wider capabilities, software development, better efficiency, easy customization and many more factors.
List of popular programming languages which are fastest growing programming languages as well as trending programming languages in 2021
- JavaScript
- Python
- Scala
- Java
- Bash/Shell/PowerShell
- C#
- C++
- Typescript
- Kotlin
With the use of these high-level languages, modern technology, industry and economic sectors are developing rapidly.
Features of programming languages: How modern programming languages work
- Modern problem-solving applications where programming is highly advantage
- Arithmetic calculations where the human brain can’t process.
- Development of the internet sector and web development field.
- In the automobile industry when developing the systems of the vehicle.
- E-commerce sector
- Engineering sector using Objective-C and Matlab
- Finance and healthcare
- SQL for marketing
- Data analysis by Matlab
- Top-level Mobile application development for the easiness of day to day life.
Where do I put programming languages on a resume or CV?
Programming languages known in resume are categorized in the “Technical skills” section under the “programming languages” heading. List them one by one. A rating of your knowledge level can also be expressed as a fraction ( 9.5 / 10 ). But it’s not compulsory.
- Python
- C++
- Java
Having qualifications and education level about computer languages is always a plus point. Then you can put the qualifications in your “Education section”.
- 2020 – Your degree, specialization or any courses you followed along with the respective year.
Having experience of working in some company or your experience on computer programming can be expressed in the “Work experience” section.
- Feb 2020 – Mention your position ( trainee or intern ) along with the company name and address.
If you have done any projects or further studies or researches based on computer programming, then you can express them in the ” Projects ” and ” Research ” sections respectively.

Why you should learn a programming language and the programming language uses
- programmers are a set of people who always contributing to the development of the technology sector. with this development, life becomes much easier.
- Computer programming jobs are at the level of highly paid jobs in the world.
- High reputation in society.
- If you know how to deal with codes, then your life will be much more efficient.