Know How To Introduce Your French Bulldog Puppy To Their First Harness

French Bulldogs are a unique dog breed for several reasons – their features differ from typical dog breeds due to their flat faces and big eyes. Unlike many dogs, Frenchies are also quite vulnerable in their temperament. If you have recently started parenting and training a French Bulldog, the process can be fun but also challenging. It is essential that you train them right from an early age using the right tools so they develop “good behaviour” as they grow. One such tool that can be effective in your training is a specifically designed French Bulldog harness. For shy and submissive Frenchies, introducing a harness the right way is key to building a good bond between the dog and the parent. People who are new to training their French pups often make certain mistakes, which must be avoided. This is crucial to make the training an enjoyable process for the puppy and the owner. It also ensures that your pup is safe and does not injure itself. If you are in the same boat, this guide can help you learn some tips to introduce a French Bulldog harness in the best ways possible. Without further ado, let’s begin.
Why French Bulldog Harness Is a Must for This Breed?
French Bulldogs have unique physical traits which make them prone to some health issues. Due to their short, brachycephalic snouts, Frenchies are susceptible to facing challenges in breathing. Moreover, their petite and muscular build puts them at a higher vulnerability for neck and spinal issues. In order to keep your companion safe and comfortable, you must choose the right French Bulldog harness for them.
If you have thought about using a choke-style or collar leash for your Frenchie, avoid it at all costs as it may lead to severe health complications. A collar leash exerts a tremendous amount of pressure on their neck, especially during training phases when everything is new to them. They may resort to pulling, which can lead to restricted breathing, choking, and in the worst cases spinal injuries. French Bulldogs are at a high risk of developing Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). This condition causes severe pain and nerve damage and may cause the dog to paralyze. The pressure exerted by a collar does not evenly distribute across the body, causing the pain to aggravate in the spine. For these reasons, you must not only choose a well-fitted French Bulldog harness but also learn how to properly introduce it to your little pup.
5 Steps to Introduce a French Bulldog Harness to Your Puppy
The moment you bring a French pup home is the moment you should start training them. Puppy brains are quite active, more than you think, so they grasp a lot of information at a young age. French Bulldogs exhibit independence traits, which is why training and rewarding them for good behaviour can make your life easier as they grow up. Use the following tips to make your Frenchie familiar and comfortable with a French Bulldog harness.
Step 1: Introduce the harness
To begin with, start by placing the harness near your Frenchie and keep some tasty treats near it. Allow them time to explore and investigate the harness. The treats will help them associate the harness with good things from an early age. Once you see your dog happy, lift up the harness and feed them with their favourite treats via its head-hole. Make sure you are taking the extra effort of placing your hand entirely through the harness so your Frenchie does not have to go through the discomfort of putting their head through. Remember, they are still young and learning.
Step 2: Place the harness
The next step is to hold their favourite treat in your hand and slowly take it backwards, a few inches away from the harness head hole. This will make your dog push its nose and mouth through the head hole to grab their reward. Keep observing how your dog reacts to this. In case you don’t see any concerning signs, keep offering it treats. Meanwhile, gently put the French Bulldog harness around your dog’s neck. But don’t secure it in place yet, just let it loosely hang in there. If you notice them being uncomfortable, just gently remove the harness and go back to step 1 for some time.
Step 3: Do the harness up
It is essential that your Frenchie is familiar with the noise of the harness clips. Begin by simply clipping it while you hold it, so they can hear the clip’s sound. Notice your dog’s reaction and only if you think it is comfortable, try to secure the harness over its head. Reward your puppy with its favourite treats again right after you tug the harness to associate positivity with this equipment.
Step 4: Encourage your pup to walk with the harness
Once you have securely placed the French Bulldog harness, get your dog used to wearing it. In order to distract them from the new discomfort of a harness, encourage them to play some fun games or do tricks. If your dog is comfortable, take it outdoors for a walk and keep encouraging them with a treat periodically along the way.
Step 5: Resolving any challenges
If you find your Frenchie struggling during any of these training steps, remember to go back to the previous stage. Continue that step for a while and gain your pup’s confidence in the harness before you move on to the next step. It will require lots of patience and gentle care before your dog becomes comfortable in its harness.
If you want to train your puppy with a French Bulldog harness, you need to be patient and consistent. When teaching them to do something, be mindful of the techniques, and don’t hesitate to take a step back unless you see them getting comfortable. Additionally, the more consistent and patient your commands are, the faster your puppy will learn them. Ensure their safety at all times to avoid any injuries and let this process be a fun activity for your dog and yourself.