5 Small Changes a Pet Will Bring to Your Life

Pets bring a lot of joy, and to many people, any number of downsides or restrictions that come with pet ownership wouldn’t be enough to dissuade them. There’s no reason they should if you feel compelled to welcome a pet into your life, but as with any major life change, it’s worth being aware of what exactly will change so that you can prepare effectively.
Getting caught off-guard by these changes after you’ve already gotten a pet might lead to panic about whether or not it was the right decision, so it’s better to feel confident and ready before that point.
- Pet-Proofing Your Home
The first thing that you might have to think about is changes to your environment. This will depend on the kind of pet that you get, as well as the kind of area in which you currently live. For example, if you get a cat and you’re in a more rural area without any large predators, then you might feel as though your cat can come and go of their own accord. In other situations, you might want to keep them in, meaning being more mindful of windows and other ways they might get out and put themselves in danger. The same is true of dogs and how they can be hard to call back if they get out, meaning fencing off your garden effectively might be required.
- New Considerations for a New Home
Moving is a stressful enough experience as it is, but moving home with a pet requires a whole host of considerations. In the case of cats, you might find that if you have let them roam free and become more familiar with your wider area, they have a difficult time adjusting to the completely new environment due to its unfamiliarity. Dogs might be much less to worry about in that regard, but you still have to handle all of the difficulties of moving while constantly considering their presence and their feelings. Change can make some dogs anxious, and it’s important to remember that they often explore through smell, meaning that letting them sniff around can be a good way of helping them to feel more relaxed.
- Going to Social Events
Whether you plan on taking your pet with you or not, this will change how you approach social gatherings or any other sort of trip. Again, for cats, this might be simple enough so long as you can get someone to pop by your home and feed them on a regular basis. Dogs might require someone to take care of them in a more thorough capacity, though – going on walks and generally keeping them company. If you do take your dog to a social event, you have to consider how you’re going to look after them, as well as how other people attending might react to their presence. For example, some people might be allergic or uncomfortable around certain animals, which can make the presence of both them and your pet incompatible.
- Hotels and Restaurants
It might be that the trip you’re thinking of taking is one just for you and your partner or your family. Suddenly, you might find that the choice of hospitality venues that you have available becomes much narrower. Not everywhere is going to accept dogs, after all, and that means that you have to start filtering out your possible options around this factor. With many websites through which you would book such a hotel, this option is readily available, which can be helpful. Less certain is how you might interact with a restaurant or cafe that you just wanted to swing into spontaneously, making dealing with uncertainty in this area perhaps a central part of pet ownership.
- Noise and Cleanliness
Again, this might not be a consideration with all pets. Cats are often much cleaner and quieter than dogs, this being helped by how you don’t usually have to take them for regular walks. Dogs can often bark a lot and they can bring a lot of mess into your home – this isn’t to say that you should be deterred from looking after them at all, just that this is an element that you might want to be aware of. Another aspect of cleanliness to consider is food that you drop or leave behind, a prime target for an attentive dog. This might not always be a problem, but it means becoming aware of foods that might be damaging to their health.