The Yellow Ocean: A Mesmerizing Phenomenon Caused by a 1,400-Year-Old Ginkgo Tree

Every year, during the autumn season, when it is time for nature to convert into a dazzling presentation of colors, a towering 1,400-year-old ginkgo tree showcases the transformation in a spectacular style that no one should miss.

This is a natural phenomenon that no one should miss. This breathtaking autumn display can be found in the Zhongnan Mountains region of China, and it is located within the walls of the Gu Guanyin Buddhist Temple.

It is quite popular with travelers from all over the world. Especially after these mesmerizing photographs of the fall foliage, which were posted on social media and quickly became quite popular.
Since that time, pictures of the tree’s beautiful autumnal ocean of golden leaves have been making the headlines across the globe, and this year was no exception.

According to the data that is now available, it is stated that Emperor Taizong of Tang, also known as Li Shimin, was the person who first planted the tree.
Li Shimin was the second emperor of China’s Tang dynasty and is considered to be its founding father (618-907). In point of fact, it has been around for more than 1,400 years at this point.

The ginkgo tree, which is sometimes referred to as a maidenhair tree, is an old species that is endemic to China. Other names for this tree include maidenhair tree.
The photographs depict what the photographer refers to as a “yellow ocean” created by the autumn leaves of the tree, which are golden and have fallen to the ground.

One of Twitter’s users by the name of Khai posted some breathtaking images of a ginkgo tree that was revealing its golden splendor on the surface.
The fall scenery captured by Han Fei’s camera is so breathtaking that you won’t be able to take your eyes off it.
The arrival of autumn can be recognized by the leaves as they transition into their autumnal hues and eventually fall off the trees.

This specific variety of tree is not only appealing to look at in the fall when it turns a stunning yellow color, but it also has many potential uses.
It is a source of food and is known to have a number of medical benefits, which are recognized in traditional Eastern medical practice.
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