10 Common Small Bathroom Renovation Mistakes

10 Common Small Bathroom Renovation Mistakes

Renovating a small bathroom presents a unique set of challenges, blending the art of design with the precision of practical functionality. In Pittsburgh, where the diversity of home styles ranges from historic row houses to modern apartments, making the most of a compact bathroom space is a common undertaking for homeowners. Yet, it’s all too easy to fall into familiar traps that can turn a renovation project from a dream into a series of costly missteps. This blog aims to shed light on these common pitfalls, guiding you through strategic planning and execution to ensure your small bathroom makeover not only meets but exceeds your expectations, enhancing both the value and comfort of your home.

Neglecting Ventilation

One of the most common oversights in bathroom renovations is underestimating the importance of proper ventilation. This mistake can lead to a host of problems, from peeling paint and wallpaper to mold growth. An effective exhaust fan is non-negotiable, especially in a small bathroom where humidity accumulates quickly. It’s not just about preventing moisture-related damage; good ventilation also ensures the air in your bathroom remains fresh and healthy. Investing in a high-quality fan that operates quietly and efficiently can make a significant difference in the longevity and comfort of your newly renovated space.

Choosing the Wrong Materials

Selecting materials that are not suited to the humid and wet conditions of a bathroom is a mistake that can compromise the durability and safety of your renovation. It’s tempting to opt for flooring or wall coverings based solely on their aesthetic appeal, but their practicality in a bathroom setting cannot be overlooked. Additionally, it’s important to select materials that can withstand your city’s weather changes. Consulting with local experts, such as those from a reputable Pittsburgh bathroom remodeling company, can help you make informed decisions. They can guide you toward materials that are not only beautiful but also resistant to mold, mildew, and water damage, ensuring your bathroom remains in top condition for years to come.

Poor Lighting Choices

Lighting plays a pivotal role in defining the ambiance of a bathroom. Inadequate or harsh lighting can make a small space feel even more confined, while the right lighting strategy can open the room up, making it feel airy and inviting. When planning your renovation, consider incorporating a mix of lighting sources. Layered lighting, combining task, ambient, and accent lights, can create a versatile and flattering environment that enhances the functionality and appearance of your bathroom. For instance, LED recessed lights provide a clean, modern look, while sconces on either side of the mirror offer the perfect illumination for grooming tasks.

Overlooking Storage Needs

A common pitfall in small bathroom renovations is failing to adequately plan for storage. Without sufficient storage solutions, countertops become cluttered, and the bathroom quickly loses its sense of calm and order. To avoid this, incorporate creative storage solutions that maximize space without overwhelming it. Think vertical by installing open shelving or medicine cabinets, and consider using the area over the toilet for additional storage. Drawer organizers and vanity cabinets can also help keep personal items neatly tucked away, contributing to a more organized and spacious-feeling bathroom.

Skimping on Quality to Save Costs

While it’s understandable to want to stretch your renovation budget as far as possible, cutting corners on the quality of fixtures and finishes can lead to more expenses down the line. Cheap faucets, showerheads, and hardware might save you money initially but often wear out quickly and need to be replaced sooner than their higher-quality counterparts. Investing in durable, well-made products not only elevates the look of your bathroom but also ensures its functionality and longevity. Consider fixtures and finishes as investments in your home’s value and your own comfort and satisfaction.

Forgetting About Functionality

While aesthetics are important, functionality should never take a back seat, especially in a small bathroom. Every element, from the shower door to the vanity, needs to support daily routines and maximize space. For example, choosing a sliding door can save more room than a traditional door that swings open. Similarly, a floating vanity can make a small bathroom appear larger by revealing more floor space. Ignoring these practical considerations can result in a beautiful bathroom that, unfortunately, doesn’t meet your practical needs.

Not Planning for the Future

Renovating without considering future needs can be a short-sighted mistake. As you age, your requirements will change, and features like grab bars or a walk-in shower can significantly enhance accessibility and safety. In addition, think about the resale value of your home. Even if you don’t plan on selling soon, incorporating universal design principles can make your bathroom appealing to a broader range of buyers, should you decide to sell in the future.

Failing to Waterproof Correctly

Waterproofing is non-negotiable in any bathroom renovation, but it’s especially critical in small spaces where moisture has less room to dissipate. An inadequate waterproofing job can lead to water damage, mold, and costly repairs. Ensure that all wet areas are thoroughly sealed, including floors, walls around the shower, and the bathtub. Professional advice or services might be necessary to guarantee that waterproofing is done correctly and comprehensively.

Underestimating the Budget

One of the biggest mistakes in bathroom renovation is not allocating a realistic budget. Small bathrooms can be deceptive, leading homeowners to believe they can save on costs due to the size. However, high-quality materials, labor, fixtures, and unexpected issues can quickly inflate expenses. Prepare a detailed budget that includes a buffer for unforeseen costs to avoid financial stress and ensure your project can be completed without compromising on quality or design.

Disregarding Professional Advice

DIY projects can be rewarding, but overestimating your skills or disregarding professional advice can lead to mistakes in the renovation process. Experienced professionals can offer valuable insights into design, materials, and functionality that you might not have considered. They can also foresee potential problems and provide solutions that save you time and money in the long run. While it’s important to have a vision for your space, be open to expert guidance to enhance the outcome of your project.


Successfully renovating a small bathroom requires a balance of aesthetics, functionality, and foresight. By avoiding common mistakes such as neglecting ventilation, choosing the wrong materials, and underestimating the budget, homeowners can achieve a space that is not only beautiful but also practical and durable. The key to a successful renovation is in the details—taking the time to plan, seeking professional advice, and considering future needs. With a thoughtful approach, your small bathroom renovation can transform a compact space into a comfortable, stylish, and efficient area that enhances your daily life and adds value to your home.