What Vue.js Does Better Than React?

We all know why it is popular. Because it presents remarkable frameworks like React, Vue, React Native, and more, in this blog, we will discuss one of the hottest debates, Vue VS React; which one is better? 

The world is revolving around many different tech innovations. And to find the best out of it is an excellent task. When we talk about advances, how can we not talk about Javascript? The JS ecosystem has led us with a lot of digital inventions with time & that too with constant updates. 

Today, everyone praises the wide variety of frameworks that are a part of web and mobile app development. It is the best programming language in the world. As per statistics, about 63.61% of experts have chosen JS compared to Java, Python, CSS, HTML, etc.

We all know why it is popular. Because it presents remarkable frameworks like React, Vue, React Native, and more, in this blog, we will discuss one of the hottest debates, Vue VS React; which one is better? 

So, let’s dive into what is better in Vue than React that sets it apart. This will also help you choose from both frameworks for your app idea.

Introduction: React VS Vue

Do you know how haywire your app can become if not used in a proper coding stack? So, you need to choose it wisely & patiently let the experts do their job. The experts consume Vue and React in a very similar way. Let’s get into each of them and know about them inside out.

What is React?

React was invented by Meta in 2013, and it gave experts new and unique ways to build a user interface. This advancement solves the great purpose of interactive UIs. It has the best-in-class interfaces to suit every project type. It is an open-source framework that allows modular component support. React functions well to create single-page web and mobile apps. It also helps to build the best complex enterprise apps with an ever-praiseworthy software solution. 

Intricate Reactjs Features:-

  • JSX syntax
  • MIT license
  • React hooks
  • Supports React Native 
  • Open-source
  • Detailed documentation
  • JS library
  • Virtual DOM


  • It helps boost SEO.
  • React is easy to learn.
  • Great community support.
  • Reusable components.
  • Varied third-party libraries & tools.


  • JSX is hard to learn and is not for beginners.
  • Overly simplistic.
  • Voluminous code.

Why should one choose Reactjs for his project?

Reactjs is known for the flexibility that it provides to the experts when they build an SDLC. With this advancement, you will also get the perks of React Native, which will help in imparting great single-page as well as complex apps.  

It is one of the best tech stacks to build a dynamic website with heavy traffic. React manages every request instantly and thus gives an apt experience to online users. 

What is Vuejs?

Vue is a popular frontend framework invented by Evan You in 2014. It is known for its decoupling process that allows easy development of progressive web UIs. Angular highly inspires it and does have similar functionalities like data binding and other lightweight advances. 

Intricate Vuejs Features:-

  • Vue Native
  • MIT license
  • Virtual DOM
  • Open-source
  • Component libraries for mobile apps
  • HTML syntax


  • It is straightforward to grasp
  • Vue enhances Typescript integration
  • It is smaller in size than the React
  • Easy to learn syntax
  • New APIs with enterprise apps


  • It is a task to cooperate with Vue when working with a team of experts
  • It has less support than React

Why should you use Vue.js for your project?

Vue is used popularly for novices as well as experienced experts. It provides excellent interfaces and single-page apps. Also, one can create great syntax with clean formatting styles and other third-party tools. The Vue router facilitates making single-page apps. And with Vuex 5, it allows one to ace at state management.    

Thus, Vue has easier access to its ecosystem than React. Now, let’s look at some of the similar grounds in Vue VS React.

Similarities: Vue VS React

  • JS is the center: Both advancements are a well-known part of the ever-growing javascript tech world. Thus, to learn both of the frameworks is never going to be a problem.
  • Virtual DOM model: You can utilize a lightweight object that mimics the tree structure of your app instead of HTML documents. The fact that building the entire page tree takes less time means that Vue and React developers can quickly achieve quicker performance. 
  • Builds great UIs: Almost all devices can understand JS. The tech allows easy render for users and visitors, achieving the best online experience.  

Comparison: React VS Vue

  • Tools & Libraries

For efficient state management, React uses Redux, while Vue uses Pinia. The former is used to build complex apps, while the latter helps to make simple and small apps. 

For routing, React uses the React-Router library. It syncs components of an app with the URL. The Vue uses Vue-Router and other third-party third-party routers to manage a seamless routing process.

  • SEO-Friendly

Experts can use Vue to render server-side marketing pages that require maximum optimization, even though it is primarily used for client-side rendered apps. React simultaneously supports isomorphic rendering. This method allows devs to take full advantage of SEO benefits and retain server-side rendering performance. Thus, reuse React components on the client and server sides.

  • SSR

Vue has built-in support for SSR, and its documentation provides detailed guidance on how to take advantage of such features. 

Conversely, React needs a third-party library to support SSR. Since SSR isn’t as significant to search engines as it formerly was, you might not be bothered by this. 

  • Scalability

React is ahead of Vue when it comes to scalability. As the former is lighter, it quickly helps manage multiple-page apps at a time. At the same time, Vue provides a similar experience but does lack the finesse. Thus, the significant difference between the two is syntax; one has JSX, and the other has HTML. 

  • Community

React has a huge community as compared to Vue. And it is way ahead in the expert’s ecosystem worldwide because of the constant updates. Reactjs has become an untouched tech stack with new versions and easy-to-resolve issues. Thus, Vue cannot match the community engagement and growth popularity across the globe. 


There’s no reason to choose Vue vs React simply because they are both excellent JavaScript technologies that can be used for both small and large-scale apps. 

React has a solid job market and flexibility and is just as reliable as Vue. However, if CTOs include Vue.js in their developer stack, Vue is better organized, simpler to understand, and easier to set up, which will shorten project duration and overtime. 

React has a massive ecosystem. With so many packages available and Meta’s support, it will keep expanding. Nevertheless, Vue is competing with React, and in terms of user adoption, it may even overtake React. Invade the digital space with the best tech advances of the JS universe.