Sarah Hörst holds a Piece of the Moon and Mars in the Same Hand

Sarah Hörst holds a Piece of the Moon and Mars in the same Hand

Sarah Hörst, an assistant professor of planetary science at Johns Hopkins University, was recently given the opportunity to hold a Piece of the Moon and Mars in the same Hand.

Sarah Hörst holds a Piece of the Moon and Mars in the same Hand
Sarah Hörst holds a Piece of the Moon and Mars in her Hand
© Sarah Hörst

And she expressed her delight on Twitter as well.

The black one represents Martian meteorite, while the gray one represents the Moon rocks.

Sarah Hörst holds a Piece of the Moon and Mars in the same Hand
A Piece of the Moon and Mars in the same Hand © Sarah Hörst
Unbelievable: Sarah Hörst Shows Moon and Mars Pieces in Her Hand

NASA releases samples of moon rock that have been sealed since the Apollo missions

NASA Opens Moon Rock Samples Sealed Since Apollo Missions

Must READ!

Why is the Moon Moving Away from Earth? Will the Earth Survive without the Moon? CLICK HERE